Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jason Lewis Conquers

Jason Lewis made his way around the world using a bicycle, paddle boat, kayak, and inline skates. How many of us can say we've done anything even remotely that ambitious?

It took Lewis 13 years to complete his journey. On top of dealing with nature in all of it's beauty and treachery, he was also was open prey to what man has done to this world. While roller blading across the U.S. he was hit by a car in Colorado. He broke both legs and the journey had to be put on delay. While in Egypt Lewis was jailed as a suspected spy, and his partner, Steve Smith, split from the journey after the two paddled to Hawaii.

Lewis's trip was originally supposed to take three years but it turned into over a decade of dedication. The idea of going around the world using only human power is so romantic, but most of us would never even attempt to use human power to commute to work.

If someone can achieve something like this then it is possible to achieve even greater things in this world. For instance, it's possible for us to stop relying on fossil fuels to get by in this nation...the question is what does it take? That answer is complex but it can be narrowed down to one simple cliched statement: If you can dream it you can do it.

That's the truth people. If you want to make changes badly enough you can achieve anything. What you need is the drive, the desire, and the passion. If you care enough about something you will get the resources and support you need. It's as simple as that. So, with people like Lewis as inspiration get out there and make things happen. The world didn't wait for him, and his journey was not an easy one, but he had the courage to do what so many of us can't seem to achieve- he took his dream and put it into motion. He came, he saw, and he conquered.

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